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Fire Insurance, Burglary & House Breaking Insurance

Fire can devastate your house, office, factory, shop, buildings etc. and causes unbelievable damage to your properties. If you are uninsured against your property, you may not be able to recover, both emotionally and financially. Now the days are changing, you can protect your home/properties with the help of fire insurance coverage. Prime Insurance will give you that assurance from your unforeseen incident & back to your previous condition.

Fire & Allied Perils

The standard fire policy excludes some types of losses most of this can be covered by the payment of additional premium. The perils for which additional covers can be arranged are:

  • Riot & Strike damage
  • Malicious Damage
  • Earthquake (Fire & Shock)
  • Explosion
  • Spontaneous Combustion
  • Impact Damage
  • Aircraft Damage
  • Electrical Short Circuit
  • Tempest, storm, hail, cyclone & flood
  • Bursting or overflowing of tanks/pipes etc.
  • Subsidence and land slide
  • Consequential loss or business interruption

Standard Fire Insurance Policy Covers

  • Fire & / or Lightning
  • Explosion of boilers used for domestic purposes

We Provide Safety for

  • Buildings and their contents
  • Plant & Machinery
  • Stock in Process
  • Goods and Merchandise
  • Stock of Raw materials, finished goods, etc.

Other things also covered under Fire Policy

  • Fire caused by smoke, scorching
  • Falling walls, water used for extinguishing or control the fire.
  • Fire, blowing up building for preventing
  • Spread of fire
  • Removal of Debris

To minimize your costing with maximum security Prime will provide you another types of fire policy which are very economical.

  • Fire package Insurance coverage. (In this case minimum. required sum inured Tk. 20 cr.)
  • Industrial All Risk including business interruption & machinery breakdown coverage. (For IAR Policy minimum. required sum insured Tk. 50 cr.)
  • Declaration policy under fire insurance for stock coverage only
  • Power plant operational package Insurance.

Burglary & House-breaking Policy Under Fire Insurance

  • In case of Burglary policy you have to take first principal policy fire policy then you will be able to take burglary policy. So you will be secured with the help of Burglary & House Breaking Insurance Coverage.
  • Theft by a person in the premises who subsequently breaks out by violence.
  • Forceful entry or there shall be visible marks made upon the premises at the place of such entry or exit.

The policy pays actual loss I damage to the insured property caused by burglary/house breaking subject to the limit of sum insured. If the sum insured is not adequate, the policy pays only proportionate loss.

Apply For Fire Insurance

Prime Insurance Company Limited

Prime Insurance Company Ltd is a second-generation private Non-life Insurance Company in Bangladesh, established in 1996 under the purview of Companies Act 1994 and listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. in 2001. The Company is one of the leading Non-life Insurance Companies in the Country with specialized and significant expertise both in the form of traditional and non-traditional insurance business. Prime Insurance Company Ltd always works hard for the clients to deliver innovative products and services while maintaining a commitment to safety, security, and sustainability.